

World Travels by Casey

Last Day In Port Macq. & Then Some

Saturday was our last day in port Macq.
We had a very yummy Breakfast at this open aired place called the milk bar that had a great view of the ocean and was clearly another locals favorite spot. There were lots of young families meeting up there in athletic attire but they probably weren't exercising because who does that anymore!? Kidding! 

Sam probably didn't get enough to eat here but for me it was perfect and absolutely delicious!!! It reminded me of breakfast at one of the many healthy whole food joints in ubud, Bali. 

The view from the cafe. Looking out at the ocean.

Our breakfast! Yum! 

Continued beach exploration was a must after breakfast and this time in the other direction. We drove down the coast a ways and then parked the car and took the cooler with us to the beach. The sun was out and warm but it was breezy enough to keep me out of the water. Sam wanted to snorkel so I told him to go ahead while I stayed on the sand and warmed up. It wasn't long before Sam joined me because he was cold and apparently there was nothing to see under the sea! 

My creation! Sam's too since he decided to join in at the end. 

We had a picnic lunch on the beach with some more whale watching and a semi short walk on a path we saw winding up and over the giant beach rocks. We ended up building a few pretty rad rock towers to join 3 that were there waiting for us when we arrived. This was the first rock tower I've ever seriously made before. It was definitely a fun and challenging experience! I was going after color and as many odd shapes as possaible. 

We staked this talk one as well! 

We had one last stop to make before we headed out of town. Back to the Antique shop! You already know how Sam and I feel about this place! 
So we had to go back because Tony, the owner had something he wanted to send a k with us for his son and daughter in law. 

While we waited for tony to prepare this for us a lady who was already in there when we arrived walked towards us. 
Out of her mouth came, "I just don't know which way to go! It's so fabulous in here"
I just looked at Sam with wide eyes and walked away before I started laughing out loud! 

Secretly I couldn't get enough of this place. 

I managed to find Sam a dust mask, some tools, and ear muffs in a pile near Tony's desk and yes these were all for sale but shockingly, not yet priced. It was a big joke to us as they were mostly construction items I thought he needed on the job site the last few days. 
I was laughing inside so much at this point that I had to start exiting the shop quickly, I realized I was about to burst! All I could think of was how ridiculous this place was and how now I was going to be a cause for Sam losing his main job! 
No antique shop will ever leave such a lasting impression as this one has. 

We returned back to Sam's house that Saturday evening and already had plans for more shenanigans that night! "The Americans" as Sam calls them had invited a bunch of people to their house for dinner and drinks. They aren't both Americans. She's American (Heather) and he's Persian (Jauq). 

"The Americans" and their cat.

We ended up going to dinner at this great Thai place within walking distance to their house but first drinks happened and lots of crazy and very loud conversations that had us all in tears of laughter. Sam and our friend Susanna are the culprits of the loud conversation. When they get together there is no such thing as quite time! 

Susanna (an expat from Finland) and Sam.

My dinner. Crispy Crab Pad Thai.

Sunday We drove to Manly beach and did the popular ocean walk. On our way there I asked Sam what the name of this bridge was: 

Harbor bridge photo

He got all excited and worked up saying something like, are you serious!? It's The harbor bridge! It's one of the most popular bridges in the world! It's like your Eiffel Tower and Grand Canyon! 

Oh yes... Our American Eiffel Tower! Excuse me while I laugh out loud and yes I quickly corrected him on that! "Umm Sam, the Eiffel Tower isn't in America!" The immediate silence and "oh crap did I say that?" look on his face was priceless!

So because our night out with the Americans was a late one we didn't get the early start out to Manly that we should have. Parking was RIDICULOUS! Not to mention the fees they charge for parking in Australia are OUTRAGEOUS! An example: 3hrs - $60 for parking in a parking garage at Manly. No thanks! 
We picked up Elizabeth (our South American expat friend) from the ferry arriving into Manly and we drove up on the hillside overlooking the ocean and in a housing development to find parking. We grabbed a snack at a coffee shop and the 3 of us plus SAMs dog Polly headed out for an afternoon stroll in the beautiful Australian sunshine! 

Walking into the town of Manly. 

When you are in town by car this is what you'd see as you approach the beach by way of the road. 

Lots of Beach Vollyball. 

Who wears short shorts!? We wear short shorts! 

I think the photographer in me really came out on this day! I was on a roll with snapping any Kodak moment possible! Ready for more photo fun? Okay let's go! 

See the dude on the rocks? This guy was in the same spot for HOURS!! And I may have started a trend by taking his photo because several others thought it was funny and did the same. I think he had a late night of partying like a rock star! 

Bathing beauties at the ocean pool. 

The guy on the left the girl on the right. Did he wear her strappy sandals out today or what exactly is happening here? 

Loved the blue floats hanging in the trees at this cafe. 

Beach side coffee shack. 

And flowers! Lots of flowers! 

We ran into "the Americans" along the way and stopped for a brief hello. In the conversation I heard the term "meat locker" mentioned and I asked what that meant since I knew they weren't talking about the average meat locker. It's apparently a common term used for a pick up joint here in Australia. Made perfect sense I just hadn't heard it used like that before but you know what, I liked it! 

Hiking up to the end of the beach walk overlook. 


Looking back towards Manly. 

The sneaky pictures I take when no ones paying attention. 

Polly, Sam's dog. 

Another photo opp. I'll title this one "young love"

Hiking back down to the beach.

A little FYI (for your information) note:
I asked Sam what a place on the beach there in Manly would cost and he said $1,500 a week, roughly. You can pay weekly or monthly for rent here in this country but it sounds like weekly is the most popular. It's pretty spendy, regardless. 

After the beach walk turned hike was over we strolled thru a little market in the town- 

Weekend market. 

And grabbed a light lunch at a karate kid themed restaurant! 

Daniel San is the name of the restaurant and yes I thought it was cool but I was also a bit unsure. 

You can't forget Mr. Miyagi! 

What I ordered. Mmm! 

It was a "full on" (or is it "flat out"? It's one of those two) weekend as the Aussies would say and the count down was on before I started working with the family I came here for. 

Polly was frozen like this the majority of the ride back to Sam's house. We definitely wore her out! 

* side note and in real time: I'm living with the family now and I've been very busy with not a lot of time to myself. I apologize for the slow speed of my posts but they are being written as fast as I can. The dad/ husband of the house keeps trying to get me to watch tv and I'm refusing because I have an obligation to all of you wonderful readers! 
Until next time... Good night from down under! 

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